Showing 121 - 136 of 136 item(s)

Pink Lady


Pink Lady


A gorgeous hot pink mix of Gerberas, Roses and purple Alstroemeria.





A simply gorgeous mix of pink Gerbera, orange Roses, purple Lisianthus and green Chrysanthemum, combine to form a vibrant bouquet that will brighten any room.





A perfectly pink arrangement of Lilies and Roses interspersed with Eucalyptus create this stunning bouquet.

Lilac Whispers

€44,95 €49,95

Lilac Whispers

€44,95 €49,95

A stunning selection of pink and purple Roses, Freesias, Lisianthus and Carnations beautifully delivered as an aqua pack hand-tied bouquet.





Mauves and creams are the star combination in this aqua pack hand-tied. Roses take the lead with Lisanthus and Chrysanthemums.

Vibrant Bouquet


Vibrant Bouquet


Our expert florists will personally create your bouquet using the finest and freshest cerise, orange, purple and lime flowers. Your bouquet flowers will be hand chosen by the Florist, the image shown is for illustration...

Soft Bouquet


Soft Bouquet


Our expert florists will personally create your bouquet using the finest and freshest pink, lavender and mauve blooms. Your bouquet flowers will be hand chosen by the Florist, the image shown is for illustration purposes...

Tinsel Town Chocolate Gift Set

€59,95 €64,95

Tinsel Town Chocolate Gift Set

€59,95 €64,95

An ideal Christmas flower gift - rich red Roses married with deep red velvety Carnations sit perfectly alongside the creamy white flourishes of spray Chrysanthemums. White frosted Pine Cones and a delicious box of 9...

Snow White Chocolate Gift Set

€59,95 €69,50

Snow White Chocolate Gift Set

€59,95 €69,50

Crisp, cool creams and whites in the form of Roses, Lisianthus and Carnations, combined with Eucalyptus and Ruscus create a beautiful snowy white aqua pack gift bag bouquet. Includes a delicious box of 9 Danucci...

Heart Felt Christmas


Ruby red Tulips in a glossy black flower gift bag. An exquisite present for the one you love this Christmas.

Christmas Centrepiece


An ideal Christmas candle centrepiece. Beautiful burgundy Germini, red Tulips, Roses and Carnations have been expertly combined with an array of winter foliage.

Tinsel Town


Tinsel Town


An ideal Christmas flower gift - rich red Roses married with deep red velvety Carnations sit perfectly alongside the creamy white flourishes of Spray Chrysanthemums. White frosted Pine Cones complete the gift.





A stunning creamy white fragrant bouquet featuring white Alstroemeria, Roses and Oriental Lilies. With a tree fern flourish, this really does makes an ideal Christmas gift.

Vintage Christmas

€44,95 €49,95

Vintage Christmas

€44,95 €49,95

A sumptuous Christmas aqua pack bouquet featuring velvety red Roses, ruby red Carnations and deep red spray Carnations. A flourish of variegated Holly and sprinkling of golden baubles complete the design

Santa Special


Santa Special


A bright bouquet of rich reds and Santa! Chrysanthemum, Carnation, Lily and Hypericum make this a lovely Christmas flower combination.

Snow White


Snow White


Crisp, cool creams and whites in the form of Roses, Lisianthus and Carnations, combined with Eucalyptus and Ruscus create a beautiful snowy white aqua pack bouquet.

Showing 121 - 136 of 136 item(s)